【販売ページ移動 Sales page has moved】一夜、めぐりて明日へ。25ji Fan-made anthology
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配送方法の変更に伴い、販売ページを変更しております。 このページからは購入できませんので、お手数ですが下記URLよりお買い求めいただけると幸いです。 ・一夜、めぐりて明日へ。25ji Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4425704 (ニーゴアンソロ。PDF版のみ) ・MORE HAPPINESS! MORE DREAM! _MMJ Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4020187 (モモジャンのアンソロジーはこちら) ・伝説を超える旅路 GET OVER THAT NIGHT!! VBS Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4151842 (ビビバスのアンソロジーはこちら) ・あの日の星に願いを L/n Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4406748 (レオニのアンソロジーはこちら) ・Let’s Start The Show! W×S Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4683152 (最新作・ワンダショのアンソロジーはこちら) Due to a change in shipping method, the sales page has been updated. You cannot purchase from this page, so we would appreciate it if you could purchase from the following URL. ・一夜、めぐりて明日へ。25ji Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4425704 (Nightcord at 25:00 Anthology. Only PDF version) ・MORE HAPPINESS! MORE DREAM! _MMJ Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4020187 (MORE MORE JUMP! Anthology) ・伝説を超える旅路 GET OVER THAT NIGHT!! VBS Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4151842 (Vivid BAD SQUAD Anthology) ・あの日の星に願いを L/n Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4406748 (Leo/need Anthology) ・Let’s Start The Show! W×S Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4683152 (NEWEST・ Wonderlands×Showtime Anthology) 배송방법이 변경됨에 따라 판매페이지를 변경하고 있습니다. 이 페이지에서는 구입할 수 없으므로, 번거롭더라도 아래 URL에서 구입해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. ・一夜、めぐりて明日へ。25ji Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4425704 (니고 앤솔러지. PDF 버전만 판매) ・MORE HAPPINESS! MORE DREAM! _MMJ Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4020187 (MORE MORE JUMP! 앤솔러지) ・伝説を超える旅路 GET OVER THAT NIGHT!! VBS Fan-made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4151842 (Vivid BAD SQUAD 앤솔러지) ・あの日の星に願いを L/n Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4406748 (Leo/need 앤솔러지) ・Let’s Start The Show! W×S Fan made anthology https://innocencelily.booth.pm/items/4683152 (최신작・ Wonderlands×Showtime 앤솔러지)
「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」に登場するユニット、「25時、ナイトコードで。」のオールキャラ同人アンソロジーです。 参加者50名・フルカラー140ページの、たくさんの想いのカタチが詰まった一冊をお届けいたします! This is a fan-made anthology of "Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku" (English title "HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!"), the unit "Nightcord at 25:00." This book is written in Japanese. We are pleased to present you a gorgeous volume with 50 participants and 140 pages in FULL COLOR! 「프로젝트 세카이 컬러풀 스테이지! feat.하츠네 미쿠」에 등장하는 유닛, 「25시, 나이트 코드에서」의 올 캐릭터 동인 앤솔로지입니다. 참가자 50명, 풀컬러 140페이지의, 많은 생각을 담은 한 권을 보내드립니다! 主催 サークル LiliumCasablanca 五月雨葉月 @Samidare_Haduki Hosted by Circle LiliumCasablanca 五月雨葉月 @Samidare_Haduki 주최 동아리 Lilium Casablanca 五月雨葉月 @Samidare_Haduki